Interactive Mode#

You may run the flow interactively by using the -interactive option:

./flow.tcl -interactive

A tcl shell will be opened where the openlane package is automatically sourced:

package require openlane

Then, you should be able to run the following main commands:

  1. Any valid Tcl code.

  2. prep -design <design> [-tag TAG] [-config CONFIG] [-init_design_config] [-overwrite]

  3. run_synthesis

  4. run_floorplan

  5. run_placement

  6. run_cts

  7. run_routing

  8. write_powered_verilog followed by set_netlist $::env(routing_logs)/$::env(DESIGN_NAME).powered.v

  9. run_magic

  10. run_magic_spice_export

  11. run_magic_drc

  12. run_lvs

  13. run_antenna_check


The commands should all be run in this order- skipping any may lead to unexpected behavior.

You are free however to add any intermediate commands to achieve more complex functionality.

The above commands can also be written in a file and passed to flow.tcl as shown:

./flow.tcl -interactive -file <file>

A comprehensive list of commands supported by OpenLane can be found here.